OUR Policy
XC Art Center - Terms of Operation and Liability Waiver
[Updated on 1/2/2024]
By completing this Student Registration, the parents/guardians of the registered students, acknowledge and agree to the following XC Art Center Policy and Terms:
1. Liability Waiver: I hereby release and covenant to hold harmless XC Art Center Program, Landlord of the Program, its agents, contractors, volunteers, teachers and administrative staff of and from any and all actions, claims, and damages for personal injuries and disabilities that my child/children have sustained and may have incurred as a result of participation in the program.
2. I grant XC Art Center Program and its employees/teachers/administrative staff to take photographs and video of my children during the classes/programs and may use such photograph and video footage for lawful purposes, including for example such as marketing, publicity and web content.
3. Code of Conduct and Payment
3.1 Code of Conduct: The XC Art Center requires students in the programs to be polite and respectful to classmates, teachers, administrative staff and the public at all times.
* Any verbal or physical abuse or violence is prohibited.
* Any possession or use of alcohol, tobacco or any controlled or illegal substance or any form of weapon by any student is prohibited.
* Any violation of the Code of Conduct may result in warning, suspension, or expulsion of the involved student from XC Art Center programs. No paid tuition will be refunded due to disciplinary actions for violation of the Code of Conduct.
3.2 Full payment of tuition is expected by the start of the first class of each semester (each semester is usually 3 months). If no payment is received for 10 days after the semester starts, a late fee of the maximum of $50 or 10% of the tuition amount will be applied.
3.3 The tuition does not include any material cost for painting/drawing and the student should prepare his/her drawing/painting materials in advance.
4 Schedule Adjustment Policy:
4.1 I agree to notify XC Art Center Program in writing at least 30 days in advance to withdraw the student's registration. No paid tuition will be refunded for withdrawal or cancellation.
4.2 I agree to notify XC Art Center Program in writing at least 30 days in advance to modify the student's current schedule permanently. Schedule changes will be accommodated based on schedule availability and there may be tuition adjustments depending on scheduled class changes.
4.3 If the student will be absent from a class, please notify the teacher or XC Art Center at least 72 hours in advance to cancel the class or schedule a makeup class. If canceling a class within 72 hours of the scheduled class, there will be no makeup class credit.
4.4 Each registered student can have up to 4-class makeup credits every semester (each semester is usually 3 months). The makeup classes cannot be exchanged for any class credit in the following program session/semester.
5. Refund Policy: There is no refund policy for paid tuition currently.
6 Communication: For operation transparency and record purposes, please send all the feedback and questions via email to cs.xcartcenter@gmail.com and we will reply via email during regular business hours.
XC Art Center - Student Artwork Copyright License Agreement
[Updated on 1/6/2024]
By completing this Student Registration, the parents/guardians of the registered students, acknowledge and agree to the following XC Art Center Artwork Copyright License Agreement, starting effective on the date of completing this Student Registration:
1. Definition:
* The Licensor refers to the Parents/guardians of the registered student and the registered student in this registration form.
* The Licensee refers to the XC Art Center
* The Artwork in this Agreement only refers to the student’s artwork created at the XC Art Center
2. Grant of License: The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to exercise the following rights in the student’s artwork created at the XC Art Center, in all media (including electronic, print, video, audio, and any other technology now known at that may be developed in the future), to distribute copies of, display publicly, sub-license or use in any advertising the Artwork.
3. Restrictions: The license granted in Section 2 above is subject to limited by the following restrictions:
3.1 Limited Use. The permissions granted to the License under this agreement apply only to the uses and purposes stated and the Licensee may distribute, publicly display or use in any advertising the Artwork only under the terms of this agreement.
3.2 No Modification. The Licensee may not modify or create derivative works from the Artwork obtained from the Licensor in any way not specifically granted in Section 2 above without written consent of the Licensor.
4. Representations.
The Licensor hereby represents that:
4.1 the Licensor is the sole owner of all interest in the Artwork;
4.2 the Licensor has the right to grant permission for use of the Artwork as specified in this agreement;
4.3 the Licensor has not transferred, exclusively licensed, or encumbered the Artwork or agreed to do so;
4.4 the Licensor is not aware of any violation, infringement, or misappropriation of any third party’s rights or any claims of rights (including existing intellectual property rights, rights of privacy, or any other rights) by the Artwork;
4.5 the Licensor is not aware of any third-party consents, assignments, or licenses that are necessary to perform under this agreement; and
4.6 the Licensor was not acting within the scope of employment of a third party when conceiving, creating, or otherwise performing any activity with respect to the Artwork purportedly licensed in Section 2.
5. Severability
If any one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement is, for any reason, held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, that invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provisions of this agreement, but this agreement will be construed as if those invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained in it, unless the deletion of those provisions would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the transactions contemplated by this agreement to be unreasonable.
6. Free of Charge. The Licensor and the Licensee hereby agree that both parties are not required to pay any fees to each other for the granted license in Section 2 of this agreement.
XC Art Center - Covid Risk Disclosure and Release
1. Assumption of Risk for COVID-19: I understand that my child’s participation in this Activity is voluntary and is not required. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have carefully read the above; understand the risks of COVID-19 associated with entering XC Art Center Program premises or facilities, attending school in-person, participating in XC Art Center Program activities in-person, and/or participating in this Activity. I voluntarily assume such risks, including the risk of serious illness, debilitating injury, or death to my child and myself. By signing below, I further acknowledge that I understand that the risk of exposure to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 may result from the acts, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including but not limited to the XC Art Center Program employees, agents, representatives, volunteers; other students, program participants, and their families; and/or other individuals who may be present in school facilities or in attendance at any school activity. I knowingly assume such risks, including the risk of serious illness, debilitating injury, or death to my child and myself.
2. Waiver of Liability/Hold Harmless: I voluntarily agree to waive and discharge any and all claims against the XC Art Center Program related to or arising out of COVID-19, and voluntarily release the XC Art Center Program from liability for any exposure to or illness or injury from COVID-19, including claims for negligent actions of the XC Art Center Program or its employees, agents, representatives, and volunteers related to or arising out of COVID-19, on behalf of myself and my child to the fullest extent allowed by law.
3. I agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless the XC Art Center Program and its employees, agents, volunteers, and representatives from all liability, claims, causes of action, or demands, including attorney fees, fines, fees, or other costs (e.g. medical costs) arising out of any exposure to or illness or injury from COVID-19.